Dutch King Willem Alexander has sworn in the first right-wing Dutch Government, led by Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party. Parting globalist Prime Minister Mark Rutte, failing upwards to become NATO Secretary-General, turned the Keys of the Torentje (“Little Tower”) in The Hague to Prime Minister Dick Schoof.
Na aankomst op het Binnenhof volgde de ondertekening van de protocollaire overdracht en ontving ik van mijn voorganger Mark Rutte de voorzittershamer van de ministerraad. Hiermee is de politieke leiding van het ministerie van Algemene Zaken officieel overgedragen.#kabinetSchoof… pic.twitter.com/83JD5t7One
— Dick Schoof (@MinPres) July 2, 2024
“We are making history today!” Wilders wrote.
Geert Wilders has been under police protection for 20 years since a crazed Islamist slaughtered Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, great-grandson of the brother of painter Vincent van Gogh, on his bicycle in Amsterdam in 2004. He pinned a note to his van Gogh’s body with a knife, threatening Wilders and fellow Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Ayaan Hirsi Ali eventually left the Netherlands for the United States.
It took over half a year to negotiate the right-wing coalition after Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party won the largest share of the vote in November. The RINO People’s Party refused to accept Wilders as Prime Minister, so Wilders stepped back for the sake of his country and tapped independent Dick Schoof, a former Dutch chief spook, to lead the government.
The cabinet was sworn in by King Willem Alexander today at 10 am local time in Ten Bosch house in The Hague.
Na Koning Willem-Alexander ondertekende ik de Koninklijke Besluiten en was het tijd voor de beëdiging van het kabinet.
Ik kijk er zeer naar uit om als minister-president aan de slag te gaan. Voor een veilig en rechtvaardig Nederland met bestaanszekerheid voor iedereen. Grip op… pic.twitter.com/KdHRA0qP1P
— Dick Schoof (@MinPres) July 2, 2024
Schoof then convened the first meeting of his cabinet to discuss implementing a patriotic “Netherlands for the Dutch” agenda.
Tomorrow, he will deliver his statement to the House of Representatives.
Tijd voor de eerste ministerraad. Hierin hebben we de besluiten vastgelegd die we gisteren tijdens het constituerend beraad hebben genomen.
Het constituerend beraad wordt ook wel de oprichtingsvergadering van het kabinet genoemd.
Daarnaast spraken we over de… pic.twitter.com/p6mLtUOUxn
— Dick Schoof (@MinPres) July 2, 2024
The cabinet includes nine ministers and State secretaries nominated by the Freedom Party and five members of the Farmer’s Citizens Party BBB:
Freedom Party (PVV):
Fleur Agema, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport
Barry Madlener, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management
Dirk Beljaarts, Minister of Economic Affairs
Marjolein Faber, Minister of Asylum and Migration
Reinette Klever, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Aid
Ingrid Coenradie, State Secretary for Justice and Security
Zsolt Szabó, State Secretary for Kingdom Relations and Digitalization
Chris Jansen, State Secretary for Public Transport and Environment
Vicky Maeijer, State Secretary for Long-term and Social Care
Farmers’ Citizens Movement (BBB):
Mona Keijzer, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Housing and Spatial Planning
Femke Wiersma, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature
Eddie van Marum, State Secretary for Groningen Recovery
Gijs Tuinman, State Secretary for Defense
Jean Rummenie, State Secretary for Fisheries, Food Security and Nature
People’s Party (VVD):
Sophie Hermans, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Climate and Green Growth
David van Weel, Minister of Justice and Security
Eelco Heinen, Minister of Finance
Ruben Brekelmans, Minister of Defense
Mariëlle Paul, State Secretary for Primary and Secondary Education and Emancipation
Jurgen Nobel, State Secretary for Participation and Integration
Vincent Karremans, State Secretary for Youth, Prevention and Sport
New Social Contract (NSC):
Eddy van Hijum, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Employment
Caspar Veldkamp, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Judith Uitermark, Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Eppo Bruins, Minister of Education, Culture and Science
Teun Struycken, State Secretary for Legal Protection
Folkert Idsinga, State Secretary for Taxation and Tax Authorities
Nora Achahbar, State Secretary for Benefits and Customs