ABLECHILD: Adderall ADHD Drug Causes Psychosis and Mania | The Gateway Pundit


Guest post by and AbleChild- republished with permission

Over the last six months AbleChild has made a point of highlighting the failure of psychiatric diagnosing by repeating the mantra that is supported by available data showing that, despite boat loads of money being funneled into mental health, nobody is getting better.

But it gets worse. Not only are patients not getting better, but because of the “treatment” being prescribed, many are falling victim to excessive diagnosis and serious mental breakdown risks.

A recent study conducted by Lauren Moran, a researcher at Mass General Brigham, reveals just how destructive the drugs prescribed to “treat” ADHD can be.

First, let’s remember that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is NOT based on science. There is no medical test (blood work, urine test, CAT/MRI, etc.,) that will reveal any known objective, confirmable abnormality in the brain that is ADHD.

In fact, ADHD is a list of behaviors in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. If a child is labeled with six of the eighteen behaviors, the ADHD label is affixed. Suddenly the five-year-old boy who wiggles too much in his school chair is abnormal and suffering from a mental illness that must be “treated” chemically.

Now, according to the research published in The American Journal of Psychiatry by Moran, patients “treated” with high doses of stimulants (ADHD drugs) were 60 percent more likely to suffer psychosis or mania than those NOT using the drugs.

There appear to be three issues with these findings. First, despite the fact that the diagnosis is completely subjective, not based in science, the behavioral health community has been so successful in labeling America’s children as abnormal and suffering from a mental illness that the label is just accepted without question and millions of American children have had their brains chemically altered to “treat” the alleged mental illness.

According to recent data, as of 2021, 41 million prescriptions for Adderall (amphetamine) were written for those suffering from ADHD. This number is the equivalent of one in eight Americans who “need” to have their brains chemically altered just to function “normally?”

Secondly, what is Adderall? The ADHD “treatment” Adderall is a stimulant, and it is listed by the federal government as a Schedule II drug which is the same classification as cocaine, heroin and meth and it is highly addictive.

In a Daily Mail article about Moran’s research, the reporter explained that “They (ADHD drugs) work by ramping up dopamine levels in the brain, which is linked to hallucinations, delusions and paranoia.”

Hmmm. Ya think? That’s interesting because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which approves these drugs for use, says “the mode of therapeutic action in ADHD is not known.”

Yep. Despite hundreds of millions of Americans taking these “treatments,” nobody at the FDA or the pharmaceutical company has a clue about how Adderall or any of the ADHD stimulant “treatments” work in the brain.

And this is in spite of the fact that the great and near great within the pharmaceutical industry and research community have had literally more than one hundred years to figure it out.

The fact is, little is known about the human brain and how it works, let alone how it works on prescription mind-altering drugs.

But that doesn’t stop the psychiatric community from labeling Americans with non-existent mental illnesses and the pharmaceutical industry from cashing in on “treatments” that nobody knows how the drugs “work” in the brain.

What is clear, is that the pharmaceutical drug, just like illegal drugs like speed, will change behavior. Whether that is a good thing is still being debated.

But it’s also important to consider the adverse side effects associated with Adderall.

Heart problems, hallucinations, aggression, hostility, paranoia, convulsions, fast heart rate, adverse growth effect, weight loss, mood changes, insomnia, psychotic episodes, and anxiety are some of the adverse events associated with the “treatment.”

So, the truth is there is no science to support an abnormality in the brain that is ADHD, no one has a clue about how the drugs “work” in the brain as “treatment” for the alleged ADHD and, finally, because of Moran’s research, is it now time to wonder how many Americans received additional mental illness diagnoses because of the adverse events associated with the ADHD drug “treatment?”

In other words, when a patient became paranoid or started hallucinating because of the ADHD drug “treatment” was the patient then diagnosed with another alleged mental illness and prescribed another prescription mind-altering drug?

Difficult to know. But this is the problem when behavior is labeled as an abnormality without any science to back it up.

Ironically, the ADHD “brain abnormality” is singularly an American mental illness. Yep. According to recent data, 11 percent of American kids under 17 years old are diagnosed with ADHD compared to just one percent of their European counterparts.

And America takes the lead in drugging its kids with ADHD drugs to a tune of an estimated $9.6 billion.

Finally, it cannot go unnoticed that like all alleged mental illnesses, the ADHD diagnosis is increasing, not decreasing. And with increased diagnosing comes increased drugging.

But no one in positions of power can understand why the suicide rate is increasing and is considered a crisis among America’s children. No one can understand why pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into suicide prevention measures hasn’t made a difference.

AbleChild must sound the alarm. Despite hundreds of billions of dollars dumped into the mental health industry, diagnosing and drugging is increasing and no one is getting better. Perhaps someday a smart lawmaker will ask why.

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